

Take advantage of the summer to renew!

Taking advantage of the summer months to make home renovations and prepare for winter is a smart strategy that homeowners should seriously consider. As a leading manufacturer of electric heating systems, like Farho, we understand the importance of maintaining a warm and comfortable environment during the cold months. In this article, we’ll highlight why it’s crucial to take advantage of summer to renew and be ready to face the challenges of winter.

Summer offers ideal weather conditions for carrying out home renovation projects. Warmer temperatures and longer days allow outdoor work and facilitate construction and renovation. There is no need to deal with inclement winter weather, such as rain, snow or wind, which can hinder or delay projects.

Increased availability of contractors and professionals:

During the summer months, contractors and construction professionals typically have less workload compared to winter. This means you’re more likely to find availability and be able to hire the experts you need to carry out your renovation projects. By having more options and being able to choose from multiple providers, you can ensure you get the best quality of work and faster service.


Renovating in summer is not only about improving the appearance of your home, but also about properly preparing for the winter season. One of the most important aspects is to ensure an efficient and reliable heating system. As an electric heating manufacturer, we know that winter can be challenging and costly if you don’t have a proper heating system in place. Taking advantage of the summer to install or upgrade your heating system will help to ensure a comfortable winter and maintain a warm atmosphere in your home.

Energy and cost savings:

Renewing in summer can also help you save energy and reduce heating costs. During the warmer months, it’s the perfect time to improve your home’s energy efficiency. You can choose to install additional insulation on walls, ceilings, and windows, seal cracks and openings, and upgrade your heating and ventilation systems. These improvements will allow you to retain heat in winter and maintain a comfortable temperature without having to overuse heating, which translates into significant savings on your energy bills.

Avoid last minute problems:

Performing renovations at the last minute before the arrival of winter can be stressful and rushed. If you wait until the weather cools down to make improvements to your home, you run the risk of running into unforeseen problems that could delay your projects or even affect your comfort during the winter. By taking advantage of the summer months, you’ll have ample time to identify and resolve any potential issues before the cooler temperatures arrive.

To summarise, taking advantage of the summer months to make renovations at home and be prepared for winter is a smart decision. From Farho, as a manufacturer of electric heating systems, we strongly recommend using this period to improve energy efficiency, ensure a warm and comfortable environment, and reduce heating costs. Don’t wait until the last moment and make sure you enjoy a comfortable and hassle-free winter in your home.

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Take advantage of the summer to renew

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